Venice Beach, California

Murals in Venice Beach

Murals in Venice Beach, Laurel and Hardy

Murals in Venice Beach, Charlie Chaplin

My garden in Venice Beach

Growing a vegetable garden in Venice Beach

Moopy in Venice Beach

Milan celebrates 150th anniversary Unità d'Italia 2011
Carnevale - Venice, Italy, 2010
Spring in Los Angeles, 2008
Moopy, 2008
The Sea, 2008
Birthdays in Cabo, 2008
Spring in Los Angeles, 2005
Central Park, New York, 2005
Santa Maria del Fiore, 2004 - 2005
Click to view Moopy - Easter 2005
Click to view Big Sur 2004 photo album
Self Portrait at 50 - Autoritratto a 50
Venice Beach, CA, 2000
Images available for sale with the following features:
Photo size 8 x 10 matte finish with matting $100 +
shipping and handling expenses.
These expenses vary according to client request and
may include shipping via regular mail or FedEx +
special safety packaging for an additional $50.
Payment accepted only through money order.
Other sizes and finishes available upon request.
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